About Us
Welcome! We hope you will find what you are looking for here. At Taber United Reformed Church, there is a collection of believers united to Jesus by faith. We enjoy gathering together to worship our God; to grow in faith and its practice; and to relate with one another in love. We don’t have life all figured out, nor have we mastered sin and evil, but we meet together as broken and healing children of God, knowing our neediness for our Saviour. You are welcome here.
Where do we stand on specific doctrinal topics? Who is the minister? How many members worship here? Well, we are glad you are curious and hope you will come meet us in person soon. Until then, please see the headings above to explore more about these and other questions you may have. Thank you for your interest.
The United Reformed Churches in North America confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior and the Sovereign Lord over all of life, and are fully committed to the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God written, without error in all its parts, and to its teaching as set forth in the historic Reformed standards (the Three Forms of Unity) and in the Ecumenical Creeds.